At our most recent Fall Field Trip at Grunder Landscaping Co., one of our attendees asked me what I do to stay so positive. My strategy is pretty simple, but it’s what works for me:

If you’re getting pulled down by others, or if you yourself are having a bad day or month or season, first know that it happens to all of us. Take a deep breath and a step back, and then look for what you can to do to lift yourself back up. Sometimes a night off with people who love and inspire you can help you put it all in perspective and remind you of what matters most.

Have a great week!

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Marty Grunder
President & CEO, The Grow Group and Grunder Landscaping Co.

P.S. In response to popular demand, we’ve added Marty’s Super Sales Bootcamp to our upcoming events schedule. Join us in Cincinnati on December 10 for a day of fast focused fun and learn how to sell your way to success with tools and tactics that work.