For many of us, this is our first full week back at work after all the fun and excess of the holidays. It can be hard to get back into the swing of things, but if you’re serious about getting ahead in 2020, now is the time to buckle down and gear up.

One of the challenges I hear about the most from the landscape companies I work with through The Grow Group is the general feeling of there never being enough time in the workday to get done all you need to. The problem is particularly acute for owners, who often feel responsible for everyone and everything. Couple this with the ongoing labor shortage, client demands, and all the other issues that come with running a small business, and no wonder you’re stressed!

Now, I can’t pretend to have figured this whole time-management thing out entirely, but I have gotten a lot better at it over the years. Here are a few tactics that consistently help me:

Eat the Frog. As Mark Twain observed, “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” Tackle your most difficult tasks first thing in the morning, when research shows your willpower is strongest. Have an under-performing team member you’re dreading talking to, or a strategic plan you know you should map out but keep putting off? Procrastination only allows your problems to grow. Attack your biggest challenges first thing and you’ll carry that sense of accomplishment with you through the rest of the day.

Put Your Cell Phone Down. Turn your social-media notifications off during the day, and block off time every morning or afternoon when you turn your entire phone off so you can focus without distraction. You may be shocked by how much more you can get done in far less time when you aren’t constantly checking your phone, and—trust me—the world will keep spinning just fine without your constant vigilance.

Develop Your Team. The single biggest reason owners and managers are overwhelmed is because they fail to delegate, and the reason most don’t delegate is because they don’t think their team members have the knowledge or skills to do the work. And whose fault is that? The owners! Align your team members’ strengths with their responsibilities, and train them well so they can flourish in the roles they’re in. It takes time to develop your team, but it can also be the single best investment you ever make. We’ll see the truth of this in action next month at GROW! 2020 when we go behind the scenes of LOVING, one of the most innovative landscaping companies—and one of the most remarkable teams—in the country.

If you make an intentional effort to commit to these tactics in the months ahead, I think you’ll be surprised by the difference they make.

Have a great week!

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Marty Grunder
President & CEO
The Grow Group and Grunder Landscaping Co.

P.S. Set your team up for a year of success with tickets to GROW! 2020. We have programming tracks designed for owners, department leads, and office managers, and the whole team at LOVING will be on hand to show you everything they know.

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