Great Idea — The Grow Group

Is Poor Time Management Costing You Money? — The Grow Group

Written by Emily Lindley | Jun 15, 2020 4:00:00 AM

We don’t know any landscape companies who wish they weren’t busy this time of year, but the scope and pace of demands that so many of us are under right now can really start to get to you. It can be hard to get done all you need to in a day and make it home in time to enjoy dinner with your family, or have some time to yourself to just relax. Poor time management can also impact your bottom line.

 What can you do to get the most out of your workday? Here are three tactics we know that work: 

Maximize your most productive time of day. 
Structure your day to play to your strengths. When are you mentally at your best? When can you work without interruption? First thing in the morning? Right after lunch? Late afternoon? Do your most critical and demanding work then, and block the time off on your calendar for it just as if it were a real appointment. 

Set your phone and email to do-not-disturb mode. 
Technology allows us to communicate and work more effectively, but it can also be a WMD—a weapon of mass distraction. Carve out uninterrupted time by setting your devices to do-not-disturb mode; you do not need to respond to every call or text right when it comes in, and social-media notifications can wait, too. You will be surprised by how much you can get done without all the constant pinging. 

Trust your team. 
If you’re overwhelmed with work, it may be time to pass the baton on some tasks. The rules of delegation are simple; ask yourself:

  • Are there other tasks I could spend my time on that will contribute more to the success of the company? 

  • Can another team member do this task 80% as well as I can, or can I train someone to? 

If the answer to both of these questions is yes, then it’s time to delegate. Doing so allows your team to take on more responsibilities and develop their own skills, and it enables you to focus on the areas where you can deliver the most value.  

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with work right now, take a few minutes this week and identify some steps you can take to regain control and make the most of your time. Stay positive, keep hustling, and have a good week!

The Grow Group

P.S. Join us for our upcoming Virtual Sales Bootcamp and we’ll teach you how to optimize the time you spend on sales and exceed your targets. Learn more here.