Our fate is in our own hands.
Last week, Grunder Landscaping President & COO Seth Pflum posted this on our team's internal Facebook page:
"The event came at a tough time during rush hour. We can’t control the weather but we can control the following:
Positive attitude
Being a great teammate
Reflect and learn on what we can improve on
Most important of all Have some fun!!"
And in the episode of The Grow Show released this week, Grow Group Vice President Vince Torchia shared that one of the trends he sees is companies recognizing that complaining about our labor issues won't get us very far, and instead, companies are focusing on fixing the problem.
No matter where you're located, I would be willing to bet you've already faced and overcome some sort of challenge, even just 1 month into the new year. What will set the successful companies apart this year and in the future is the attitude we have when we face challenges: do we sit around and complain, or do we focus on what we can control?
It's often said that your attitude determines your altitude. I would argue that it also determines your aptitude - your ability to solve the problem in front of you. When you focus on what you can control, you get to a solution faster.
What I admire so much about our industry is that there are so many landscape professionals who stay so positive, who OTS as my friend Joe Chiellini would say. I'll see many of those friendly faces in just a week and a half in Des Moines, IA for GROW! 2024, where we'll spend time equipping ourselves with the knowledge and attitudes we need to tackle whatever this year holds. Will I see you there?
I'll talk to you next week!

Marty Grunder
Founder & CEO
The Grow Group & Grunder Landscaping Co.