Finding & Fielding a Winning Team
Live Virtual Event with Recordings Available
Thursday, January 26, 2023
It doesn't matter how much work you sell if you don't have a team to do it.
In recent years, landscaping companies’ biggest challenge has shifted from finding work to finding the team members they need to do it. While there isn’t a single silver bullet, there are a number of ways companies can be smarter in how they recruit and intentionally retain their team members. In this virtual event, Marty Grunder, President & CEO of Grunder Landscaping Co., and Vince Torchia, vice president and trusted executive coach at The Grow Group, will share how companies can kick their recruiting efforts into high gear and lay the groundwork for a well-staffed 2022.
While Marty’s been in the trenches on this issue in his 38 years leading GLC, Vince has been working with teams across the country coaching them through their team challenges. In this virtual event, they will share how companies can:
Build a supportive company culture where people want to work.
Identify your ideal team member, and find more team members like them.
Stand out from the companies you compete with for employees.
Provide opportunities for growth to retain ambitious team members through ongoing training, defined career paths, and goal setting programs.
Start now to build the team you'll need when the busy season starts.

“Marty has a wealth of knowledge, and he’s open and willing to share it with you to help you improve."
11 A.M.–12 P.M. ET
Retaining a Winning Team
It’s difficult to succeed if you’re starting over with a new team each week. Happy, supported teams help businesses run smoothly, and are the greatest asset to your landscaping business. In this session, Marty and Vince will share the strategies, programs, and tactics they recommend companies use to improve team member retention.
1–2 P.M. ET
Recruiting a Winning Team
A good hire can help you get ahead, while a bad hire can undermine your success so far. In this session, Marty and Vince will share the qualities of GLC’s ideal team member, how they find more candidates for open positions, and what tactics they use to help new team members through the first week of work.
2:15–3:15 P.M. ET
Building Your “People” Plan
At The Grow Group, we believe that successful businesses are built on 4 pillars—platform, process, people, and profit. This workshop session will help you to define your plan for effectively managing your people, and you’ll leave with an idea of what next steps to take to start improving your recruiting and retaining efforts this week.
About the Presenters

Marty Grunder is president and CEO of The Grow Group and of Grunder Landscaping Co., one of the most successful design-build operations of its kind in the Midwest. An unusual combination of full-time landscape professional and leading coach, he is uniquely positioned to deliver real-world, real-time guidance to green-industry companies that want to improve and grow. Give him your time and he’ll get you where you want to go. Learn more here.

Vince Torchia is vice president of The Grow Group, where he drives strategy, oversees day-to-day operations, and provides executive coaching on planning and business strategy to clients. A graduate of the University of Dayton’s School of Business, Vince travels the country, ensuring our programs consistently deliver results and demonstrating how business owners can leverage the strengths of both their right-hand men and women and the millennial workforce to succeed.
Event Details
$399 per person or device
Includes live sessions online, worksheets, illustrative videos, and Q&As. We will share recordings of the live sessions with attendees after the event ends, you will have access to those recordings for 7 days.
There are no refunds for virtual events. If your circumstances change and you are unable to attend the live sessions, let us know and we will provide you with access to a recording and learning materials for a limited time. Alternatively, you may receive a credit for the entire registration amount to apply to another Grow Group offering, good for 18 months, or you may transfer your registration to a substitute participant for the live sessions. No credits, transfers, or refunds are available on a transferred registration.
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