The Best Pitchers Listen to Their Coaches

Are top salespeople born or made? Is success at pitching a job a gift you either have or don’t? I recently put this question to Gib Durden, vice president of business development at HighGrove Partners in Atlanta, one of the most successful commercial landscape companies in the country. According to Gib, the best.

Sometimes It Really Is the Little Things

There’s no getting around it: Landscaping is hard work. It’s hot and dry out, or it’s wet and muddy. It can be hard on your back, and your knees, and your hands. The days are long. We ask a lot of our teams in the field, and it’s important we show them we appreciate all they do. A good and fair compensation program is.

Attack the Beast

Lawn & Landscape July 2017 By Marty Grunder First off: Congratulations to everyone reading this. You’ve made it halfway through the 100 days of hell for landscape pros. We’re all still in the thick of long days, selling jobs, managing client demands and motivating our teams, but we’ve rounded the corner and can see.

Don’t Be Afraid to Throw That Dynamite Stick

Tell me if this ever happens to you. You get a call from a new prospect saying they’d like some help with their landscaping. So you schedule a consult and drive out to their property for the first time, and then before you even pull into the drive you think: “Wow. This is one of the worst landscape designs I’ve ever.

How to Turn a Prospect into a Client

It never ceases to amaze me how many businesses get sales wrong. They pressure you to sign on the dotted line. They ignore what you ask for and tack on bells and whistles you didn’t ask for. They hammer you with phone calls. They tell you to act today or lose out on the offer, and then when you don’t bite they call.

Where There’s No Risk, There’s No Reward

When I travel around the country speaking to green-industry pros, I make sure to always save enough time for a Q-and-A session. And pretty much every time—no matter if my talk was on sales, or leadership, or developing your right-hand man or woman, or something else entirely—I am asked a version of the same question:.

Step Back to Step Up

An MGI client recently called me in a panic. He was feeling overwhelmed by all the demands landscape pros face this time of year. He was running from job to appointment and back again, with sales to close, numbers to hit, and a team to manage and motivate. I listened to him voice his concerns and vent his.

Seven Years and Still Learning

Lawn & Landscape June 2017 By Marty Grunder After having just gotten off the phone with Jim McCutcheon, CEO of HighGrove Partners in Atlanta, I had some great motivation to write this column. A trained landscape architect by way of the University of Georgia, Jim is also one of the savviest businessmen I know, steering.

Organize Your Shop for Maximum Efficiency

As those of you who’ve taken one of our Field Trips to Grunder Landscaping headquarters know, we have a system for nearly everything. It’s what keeps us efficient and a step ahead of the competition. This week Joe Spatz, who oversees our fleet and facilities operations, shares tips and tactics for optimizing your.

Put Pen to Paper

We hear it in the news all the time: We’re addicted to our computers. We sleep with our cell phones. The average American worker spends half the day on e-mail. You are, in fact, reading e-mail right now! Now putting aside whether or not all this screen time spells doom for civilization, it’s clear that e-mail can be a.