Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Bank?

By far and away, one of the smartest steps I’ve taken in recent years to move my landscaping company forward has been developing a stronger relationship with my bank. When I was first starting out in business, I thought of the bank only as the place I had to go to ask for a line of credit or a loan; they had money and.

Now Is the Time to Make Your Landscaping Company Recession-Proof

Somehow, someway 2018 has nearly gone by and we’re about to kick off a new year. It’s a time when many of us look ahead to what we want to accomplish in the coming months, what we want to change, and where we want to get better. And this time around it may be especially important to do this, with the wild fluctuations.

A Landscaping Company to Learn From

Earlier this week The Grow Group touched down in Denver, CO, to spend a few days gearing up for our GROW! 2019 Annual Conference in February. This time around we’ll be going behind the scenes of Lifescape Colorado, a leading Denver landscaping company that CEO Michael Hupf and his team have grown from $3 million to.

How to Make Your Company More Valuable

As those of you who have been watching this space the last several weeks know, I have been on the road a lot lately for Grow Group events and consulting—from Whistler and Vail to Kalamazoo, Orlando, New Orleans, and parts in between. I am often asked how I can keep this schedule up and run Grunder Landscaping Co. at.

Converting Commercial Prospects into Clients

Is there a commercial prospect you’d love to convert to a client? Are you having trouble finding a way to get your foot in the door? In this week’s Great Idea, Marty shares a quick tip for how to do that, based on what’s worked for him over and over again at Grunder Landscaping: <br/> Keep.

Build Your 2019 Budget Now

We have talked a lot in the last few weeks about ending this year strong. There are 19 work days left in 2018 and you need to make the most of them. But you also can’t take your eye off 2019, and one of the smartest actions you can take now to set yourself up for success in the new year is putting together your.

Leverage the Power of Referrals

One of the single most effective ways to grow your business is through referrals from satisfied clients. In fact, at Grunder Landscaping, a whopping 75% of the company’s business comes from referrals. Doing good work for your clients is the first step, but you can’t rely on that alone. Here Marty shares what else you.

What to Do Now to Succeed in the Spring

This week, we hosted our annual Elite Retreat in Vail, Colorado, where ambitious landscape pros gathered to learn how to improve the client experience they’re delivering at their companies and gain a real edge over their competition. Marty and Grow Group executive coaches Jim Cali and Jason New stole away from the.

Find a Common Language Your Whole Team Can Speak and Understand

This week, The Grow Group headed to Whistler, British Columbia, for the 2018 ACE Summit, our annual gathering for all current and past members of our ACE Peer Group Program. We’ve designed the event to be equal parts education and fun, with learning sessions in the morning and afternoons left free to explore and enjoy.

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Old-School Marketing Tactics

Facebook, Google ads, and e-mail marketing can all be powerful tools for reaching and retaining clients if you deploy them smartly. But old-school marketing tactics can be surprisingly effective too. Here Marty shares what Grunder Landscaping Co. is doing now to maintain its lead in the local market:.