Organize Your Shop for Maximum Efficiency and Profitability

Over the years, we’ve had a lot of landscape professionals tour Grunder Landscaping Co. as part of our Fall Field Trips and the other educational events we offer through The Grow Group. The tours are an opportunity to see exactly how a successful $5-million landscaping company operates, what the GLC team does well,.

How to Use Dead Plants to Your Advantage

Years ago I used to dread this time of year, when temperatures soar and the sun shines bright. At Grunder Landscaping Co., we provide a one-year warranty on all the plants we install, and by the time late July rolls around, I can pretty much count on seeing plants on our clients’ properties that have died because they.

Want Your Whole Landscaping Team to Think Like an Owner?

It should come as no surprise that we talk a lot about growth here at The Grow Group. How can we help our clients to grow their businesses? And, just as important, how we can help them to control their businesses—because, as many of us know all too well, if you grow too rapidly without the people and systems to.

Are You Losing Valuable Employees?

Every other Friday at Grunder Landscaping, we text a new video in our Team Builder series to everyone on our staff. Just a few minutes in length and usually presented by me and/or members of our leadership team, the videos are a simple but effective way for us to reiterate our mission and core values, communicate.

Does Your Landscaping Company Have a Strong Pipeline in Its Future?

With June coming to a close and the Fourth of July holiday this Thursday, it’s a good time to take a step back and look at what jobs and prospects you have in your pipeline. At Grunder Landscaping Co., we’ve been fortunate to have our crews fully staffed, enabling us to execute quickly, burn through work, and increase.

Beg, Borrow, and Steal from the Best Landscaping Companies

My team at The Grow Group is busy now gearing up for the 2019 NALP Field Trip: Frank & Marty’s Excellent Adventure this August in San Diego, where we’ll be helping to present a day of interactive educational sessions followed by a tour of the local branch of LandCare. In my 35 years of running Grunder Landscaping and.

Help People to Know, Like, and Trust You

As most of you know, I am a firm believer in the old adage that people do business with people they know, like, and trust. It seems obvious that this is true, but how many of us really keep this top of mind as we try to win at sales and grow our businesses? This week, Vince and I were in Dallas for a planning meeting.

Are Your Sales and Production Teams in Sync?

On Friday, June 7, ambitious landscape professionals from all across the country gathered in Cincinnati for a one-day sales bootcamp led by Marty. Together we explored the importance of defining and religiously pursuing your ideal client, how to develop—and follow!—a sales process that delivers results for you and.

How Do You Train New Hires for Success?

With the ongoing labor challenge in our industry, nearly all of us are in a continual state of flux, losing team members and adding new ones. Many of our new hires do not have a lot of experience in landscaping, and sometimes it turns out that those that do have it learned bad or insufficient practices at another.

Safety Comes First

As we all know, accidents happen, and the likelihood goes up the more trucks you have on the road. Last week, a Grunder Landscaping vehicle was struck by a car. Fortunately no one was hurt, and it was not GLC’s fault. Fortunately too the GLC team is trained in how to respond, no matter who’s to blame. Here Marty.