Are the Challenges of Work Getting You Down?

At our most recent Fall Field Trip at Grunder Landscaping Co., one of our attendees asked me what I do to stay so positive. My strategy is pretty simple, but it’s what works for me: <br/> If you’re getting pulled down by others, or if you yourself are having a bad day or month or season, first.

How to Turn One Sale into Several More

Many of us are so busy casting as wide a net as we can to find new leads that we overlook those that are right in front of us. In this week’s Great Idea, I share how one job led to several more for Grunder Landscaping Co. and what you can do in the off-season to set yourself up for success at sales next year:.

Make Good Use of Fall

With October nearly here and the demands of summer winding down, now is a great time to take a look back at what you’ve accomplished so far this year and where you hope to finish. We take the time to do this at Grunder Landscaping Co. because it’s our last big chance to fix what we can for the season and to set.

Steer Clear of Bad Advertising

Quality work and effective branding and marketing can help you stand out from the competition, but don’t make the mistake of thinking those are the sole factors that determine your company’s image. Current clients and future customers are everywhere—on the road, at the store, in the neighborhood—and everything they.

When You Lose a Key Team Member

There are few guarantees in business, but at least one thing is for certain: At one time or another you will lose a key team member—whether it’s to another company or industry, to retirement or another life change, or to firing—and how you prepare for this and respond to it can make all the difference. In other words,.

How to Reduce Your Indirect Labor Costs

Last week we discussed the importance of tracking your indirect labor costs, or the amount of money you’re spending on hourly team members when they’re clocked in but not producing billable work. If you want to succeed in the green industry, you can’t afford to ignore this metric. Some of the biggest buckets of.

Are You Ignoring This Key Metric?

If you’ve been keeping up with our Great Idea week after week, you’ve heard us talk about the work we at The Grow Group do with our coaching clients and ACE Peer Group members to help them monitor their financial metrics and maximize their profits. We always start with the numbers that come right from their financial.

A Dangerous Mindset for Owners to Have

In the latest Spiderman movie, the character named Mysterio tells the young Peter Parker (aka Spiderman), “Never apologize for being the smartest person in the room.” While this was a nice bit of encouragement for the timid teenager, it can be a dangerous mindset for business owners to have. If you think you’re always.

What I Learned This Week at LandCare

I am just back in Dayton after three days in San Diego co-leading the 2019 NALP Field Trip with industry great Frank Mariani, and wow did Mike Bogan and his team at LandCare deliver. As promised, they gave us a behind-the-scenes confidential look at how they execute and operate and at what has enabled them to become.

When You Lose a Good Prospect or Client

No one likes rejection. But everyone in the landscaping business knows you’re going to experience it, and sometimes several times in a season. You bid on a job, all signs are promising, you develop a real rapport with your prospect, you follow up, and follow up again, and then...nothing, until you see another.