The Meeting That Saves You Money

When I was in business school, one of my professors shared a story that has really stuck with me. Prior to teaching, he had worked for a company that supplied components for airplane engines. On one project he was tasked with scheduling the production of a part their client needed by a strict deadline. Carefully he.

Overcoming Objections to Price

We held our last event of 2019 this past week in Cincinnati, where some 30 highly engaged sales pros joined us for our $uper Sales Bootcamp. We spent the day assessing individual strengths and weaknesses, unique value propositions and ideal clients, and the systems and processes successful green-industry companies.

When a Team Member Is Falling Short

We just wrapped up our fourth and final Grunder Landscaping Co. Fall Field Trip of 2019 last week in Dayton. Over the last few months, we’ve welcomed more than 60 landscape pros from all over the country to GLC, where they’ve toured the facility, rifled through the drawers, and learned directly from the GLC leadership.

Stand Out during the Holiday Season

Hopefully you’ve emerged from your food-induced coma, survived the endless onslaught of Black Friday marketing, and fully recovered from all the fun and festivities with family and friends over the Thanksgiving holiday. Now we have just four weeks until we turn the page on 2019! It’s a busy time of year for everyone..

Don’t Leave This Out of Your 2020 Budget

Last weekend, our local chapter of the Humane Society in Dayton held its fundraising gala. This annual event is popular because it’s a great cause and because attendees can bring their dogs or cats along with them, and if there’s one truth you can always count on it’s that people love their pets. We do too at Grunder.

What Successful Companies Do

In this week’s Great Idea, Marty shares what he learned about building a winning team at this year’s ACE Summit, held this past week in snowy Québec City. This annual event is designed to bring together all the members of The Grow Group’s ACE Peer Groups, together with program alums, for three days of learning,.

Is Your Company Easy to Do Business With?

Have you seen the ads for Carvana that are now flooding the airwaves? Billed as “the new way to buy a car,” the company’s strategy is to cut out car dealers, eliminating the middleman and the hassle and passing the savings and the ease on to the customer. In their business model, you no longer have to go from lot to.

Now Is the Time to Budget for 2020

Now is the time of year to focus on your budget for 2020. A lot of us drag our feet when it comes to this task, but it’s one of the smartest actions you can take now to set yourself up for success in the new year. And it doesn’t have to be a daunting effort unless you let it be. The best place to start is with the big.

Are Performance Reviews a Waste of Time?

Recently I was asked by the young owner of a growing landscaping company if I thought annual performance reviews were worthwhile. Many companies in corporate America have moved away from them, believing that the time they take does not deliver enough ROI. I agree they take time—and time is money, especially in an.

What’s Holding Your Company Up?

In this week’s Great Idea, The Grow Group’s Marty Grunder and Vince Torchia discuss the four pillars successful companies are built on and share how ACE Peer Group member Josh Schmieder focused on one to turn his landscaping business around: <br/> Platform, people, processes, profits—spend some.