How GLC Finds New Maintenance Clients

Maintenance contracts can provide an important and reliable source of recurring revenue for your landscaping company, fueling growth and profits. At Grunder Landscaping, we are proactively working to find more of these types of accounts and expand our market share. How? In this week’s Great Idea, I share four steps.

Will You Finish the Year Strong?

It’s hard to believe, but this week marks the midpoint of 2020. Whether the first half of your year was good, bad, or somewhere in between, now is a great time to take a close look at your company’s financial health and assess where you want to be by the close of 2020. In this week’s Great Idea, I share two metrics to.

How to Sell More to Existing Clients

One metric we watch closely at Grunder Landscaping Co. is our average revenue per client. It’s of course critical to proactively and continually seek new prospects, but your current client base can also be an important source of additional revenue if you’re smart and intentional about it. Here are three tactics we.

Is Poor Time Management Costing You Money?

We don’t know any landscape companies who wish they weren’t busy this time of year, but the scope and pace of demands that so many of us are under right now can really start to get to you. It can be hard to get done all you need to in a day and make it home in time to enjoy dinner with your family, or have some time.

What Grunder Landscaping Is Doing to Stay Engaged

Twice a month I record a short video to share internally at Grunder Landscaping Co. Called the Team Builder, it’s a simple but effective way to keep us all connected and to intentionally build our culture. This biweekly video has always been a good method for me to communicate with my team but it’s become even more so.

Don’t Let Social Distancing Keep You from Celebrating Your Team

The coronavirus pandemic has caused many of us to change the way we do business, at least for the time being. At Grunder Landscaping Co. (GLC), they’re continuing to follow the safety protocols advised by state and local officials, from social distancing to temperature checks and the frequent cleaning of their trucks.

How to Sell in Uncertain Times

Selling when people are unsure about the economic future can be challenging. Many green-industry professionals are finding their prospects and clients are reluctant to commit right now. How do you win at sales in this environment? In this week’s Great Idea, The Grow Group’s Marty Grunder and Vince Torchia share two.

Are You Making This Management Mistake?

This time of year, many landscaping companies are at their busiest, and owners and managers are often at their most stressed. With so much on the line, you’re intently focused on execution—you have to be!—so when a team member doesn’t perform a task or deliver on a project the way you want them to, there’s a real.

The Two Words Grunder Landscaping Is Focused on Now

In this week’s Great Idea, The Grow Group’s Marty Grunder shares what his team at Grunder Landscaping Co. is focusing on now that they’re back to operating at full capacity and all systems are go: <br/> What’s your team’s mantra for success this year? Reply to this email and let us know, and.

Three Cash Tactics to Take Now, in a Changing Market

As we’ve discussed in the last several weeks, the economic uncertainty of today makes it especially important for landscaping companies to strengthen their cash positions. In this week’s Great Idea, The Grow Group’s Vince Torchia shares three more practical tactics you can take now to do just that:.