There's Nothing More Powerful Than a Positive Attitude

This year it has been hard to find everything we need to get each job done. We have had shortages in labor, plants and materials, and sometimes even patience. We've fought and succeeded through the worst of it alongside all of you, and looking back I think there has been one saving grace for us: the camaraderie among.

Do Your Trucks Pull Their Weight?

The Landscape Trucks that Work for Us I started my business with an old, red pickup truck in 1984. It wasn't new, even then, and it wasn't branded or flashy. But it got the job done. As my business grew and I realized the importance of branding, the Grunder-Green truck was born. Since 1995, our trucks have all been.

Find Inspiration and Keep Improving

In 31 days we'll be in Gaithersburg, Maryland for the 2021 NALP Field Trip: Frank & Marty's Excellent Adventure. This year our host company is Ruppert Landscape, a commercial powerhouse known for the quality of work they do and the scale they do it at. This week, Marty Grunder and Frank Mariani of Mariani Landscape.

Can Your Team Do the Work Without You?

Some of you may already know that my wonderful wife Lisa is a kindergarten teacher, and when we got engaged she insisted that she wanted to be able to take spring break trips with her family. As a 25-year-old, running a business before cell phones were prevalent, the thought of taking a week off in March or April gave.

Don't Learn Bad Habits in a Good Year

2021 has hopefully been a good year for you. Sales have been strong and demand for our services at an all time high. While there have been challenges with finding team members and supply shortages, we're fortunate that so many clients and potential clients are putting more value on having outdoor living spaces to.

How GLC Decides Which Topics to Train On

As landscape professionals, we know that our jobs go beyond just doing the usual work outside. We're experts and professionals solving problems clients may not even realize they have. A challenge everyone is having right now is having enough professionals on their team to do the work they already have sold. Hiring.

How GLC Sets Expectations with New Team Members

Last week was an exciting one at Grunder Landscaping Co: Our H-2B workers were finally approved and they arrived for their first day back on Monday. This year it's been difficult to find team members, and we've had to onboard lots of new people, including our returning H-2B workers. When we onboard new team members at.

Sell Only to Your Ideal Client

A couple weeks ago we talked about how Grunder Landscaping Co. is screening potential clients, and this week we wanted to go into more detail about who you should be looking for during your screening process: your ideal client.

Keep Your One-on-Ones

We often get so busy that we believe we don't have time to slow down or teach someone else to do a task, but over the years our team has realized that the opposite is actually true. We should always be empowering others in our organization and developing new leaders in the process.

Are You Prioritizing the Right Prospects?

This year is busier than any in recent memory, and our salespeople are fielding calls from new prospects constantly. On top of that we're hearing from landscape pros across the country that scheduling is a challenge with staffing problems, material shortages, and the usual disruptions from the weather. Demand is at an.