Summers in southwest Ohio, where Grunder Landscaping is based, are hot and humid, which presents an ongoing challenge for our crews. Their work is physically demanding, and it becomes even more so when the temperature soars into the 90s and sometimes tops 100. And I know this is nothing compared to what our friends in the south deal with this time of year.

You can’t control the weather but as a leader you can control how you treat your crews and provide for their safety. In this week’s Great Idea, I stop by one of our job sites and share what we’re doing at GLC to keep our team cool and collected in the heat:

It all starts with compassion, folks. Show your team you care by:

  • Encouraging frequent water breaks.

  • Distributing cold Gatorade, cooling towels, and snacks throughout the day as you and your managers visit job sites.

  • Teaching crew members the signs of heat exhaustion, and asking them to keep an eye on their teammates for the same.

  • Recognizing that the heat can affect productivity; you may go over your estimated hours. Bear that in mind when you plan and schedule, and look for other ways to make up for lost time. (I’ll be sharing what we do at GLC to improve efficiency and profitability on every job at our next virtual event on August 13.)

One of my favorite sayings comes from Dale Carnegie. A wise man when it comes to improving yourself and your business, he said, “If you take an interest in others, they’ll take an interest in you.” You’ll never go wrong showing your team you care. 

Stay as cool as you can and have a great week! As always, if we can help you in any way at The Grow Group, drop us a line at