Every year on Thanksgiving, I try to take a moment to appreciate how far we've come in the past year and all that I have in my life to be grateful for. My health, my family, a job that I love, team members who work hard day in and day out, and a community like all of you, too.
Truthfully, when I started The Grow Group, I never imagined it would grow into a community like the one we have today. We had about 15 people in attendance at the first conference I hosted, and it's grown to 700+ who joined us in San Antonio for GROW! 2023. One thing that has consistently amazed me as this event has grown is this: the community feeling has always stayed the same.
Even with a much larger group of attendees, the personal connections I see being made are worth their weight in gold. I see friendships forming at our event that last, members of our peer groups choosing to go on family vacations together, and I have enjoyed my trips out to visit with the friends I've made doing this job over the years. Relationships are powerful, especially when they begin from a place of humility, wanting to get better, and willingness to help each other.
I hope you enjoyed a nice Thanksgiving this week with your loved ones, and I hope you also took a moment to let the people in your life know how grateful you are for them. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday as you recover from the festivities of last week, I'll talk to you again next Sunday!

Marty Grunder
Founder & CEO
The Grow Group & Grunder Landscaping Co.
P.S. Are you signed up for GROW! 2024 yet? We have a fantastic event planned for February 6-8, 2024 in Des Moines, IA. You won't want to miss it!