What. A. Week.
I want to start out this week's Great Ideas with a few thank you's: Thank you to all of you who joined us in Columbus for GROW! 2025, to our sponsors who supported this year's event, and most of all to the team at Hidden Creek Landscaping who put on an incredible facility tour. So much learning happened in our event spaces, but also in the hallways and at dinners, this week. If you're back home and your head is swimming with ideas, check out the latest episode of The Grow Show for our tips to prioritize and execute.
I think often we get wrapped up in revenue growth because it's easiest to measure, but there are so many ways to grow: maybe growth for you looks like getting more time with your family or streamlining your operations so your day-to-day work is less stressful. As we enter into what is traditionally the busy season for landscape pros, I think it's extra important to define exactly what a win looks like for your company and for you. If you really want to make our day: reply back to this email and let us know what that win looks like. We'd love to read what you're working on!
Every year I leave our GROW! Annual Conference once again amazed by this industry and how kind and giving all of our attendees are. You're so willing to share your knowledge to help others get better, and it makes doing our jobs a lot more fun.
I wish you the best as you kick off your Spring season, and I'll talk to you next week!
Founder & CEO
The Grow Group & Grunder Landscaping Co.