The Grow Group

Your Thanksgiving Task

As we enter Thanksgiving week, the task I'm giving you is simple: send a quick note to the people who have had an impact on you. Thank the parents and mentors who help to grow your business, the friends who talk you through challenges, the clients who refer you to their friends and family, the team members who keep.

Would You Want to Work for You?

Last week our team was in Beaver Creek, CO for our annual ACE Summit, where we bring all of our ACE Peer Group Members and Alumni together for a week of learning, networking, and plenty of fun too. While we were there, we spent a lot of time talking about the number one challenge our businesses are facing right now:.

Maximizing Middle Management

At Grunder Landscaping we are constantly talking about how we can do a better job of keeping the great team members we have. We know that first and foremost, we do this by making our company a great place to work. We just had a cookout last week to show our appreciation for our team. But, and this is a big but, I also.

The Clock is Ticking

Early-Bird rates for GROW! 2022 expire at 11:30 p.m. tomorrow, November 1. Have you signed up to join us yet? GROW! 2022 will bring landscape professionals from around the country to Nashville, TN for three days of hands-on, interactive learning. We'll also have plenty of time reserved to network, reconnect with old.

Don't Stop Now

It's been a great sales year for our team at Grunder Landscaping Co. We have already hit our company and individual sales goals for the year, and we're in the process now of setting our largest goals ever for 2022. But we aren't taking our foot off the gas for 2021 yet. Instead, we're setting stretch goals and.

Three Focuses for Every Company

I've been successfully running a business for almost 40 years. On one hand, that means I have a lot of experience, and on the other, it means it's easy to keep doing something because "we've always done it this way." That's why I enjoy getting around my peers at our events, and even more so I really enjoy the deep and.

Get Your Budget Ready for 2022

It's that time again: time to start looking ahead and planning for next year. The budgeting process is a key step in planning for the year ahead. It helps your team understand your goals, align around a common vision for the future, and lay the groundwork for a successful year. Budgeting can be daunting, but it.

Listen and Learn from Clients and Team Members

Whether you’re an owner or a team member, the next couple of months can be pivotal for a business. With the hectic demands of summer starting to wind down, it’s the perfect time to look back at what you’ve accomplished so far this year and where you hope to finish, what you did well, and where you came up short. We.

Empower Your Team to Problem Solve

I often warn first-time attendees at our events that it can feel a bit like drinking through a fire hose. I've been on a lot of company tours in my time in the industry, and I've led a lot of them myself too. I always leave with new ideas and pages and pages of notes. This week our tour of Ruppert Landscape as part of.

All Planning is Good

Having a strategy is critical to the success of our businesses each year. In its simplest form, a strategy is what your company is going to do, and not going to do, in the coming years. Your strategy is a key first building block to prepare for 2022. It helps you to define what projects you should be selling more of,.